Gates - Jane Gates

This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the following minimum qualifications: Full-time student, resident of Allegany County, have at least a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in the Teacher Education curriculum, and discuss leadership qualities and community service. Special consideration will be given to students who are overcoming economic and access hardships to pursue higher education. State financial need in essay on scholarship application Continuation of scholarship into second year is possible upon reapplication and proof of having met criteria.

*Scholarship Description *
Jane Gates overcame adversity (slavery) to become an independent homeowner who raised an extraordinary family that has continued contributing to Western Maryland society and beyond. This scholarship is intended to provide opportunities in the spirit of Jane Gates and her family.

The scholarship is to help recipients advance their goals of becoming a teacher. The Jane Gates Heritage House will be a teaching and tutoring center focusing on students who fall behind in their studies. Children will also be learning to plant, grow, and cook their own fruits and vegetables from the raised beds in the backyard.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please describe your leadership roles on campus and in the community.
  2. Please describe your community service activities.
  3. If applicable, briefly describe if you are overcoming economic and access hardships in pursing higher education.