Fort Cumberland Lodge #211 & Ohr Lodge #131

This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the following minimum qualifications: Full-time student, must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident, resident of Allegany County, and have at least a 2.5 GPA. First priority given to a family member of a Masons belonging to Queen City Lodge #131 (state on application); second priority given to a family member of any Mason residing in Allegany County; and third priority given to anyone who meets the other scholarship requirements. Continuation of scholarship into second year is possible upon reapplication and proof of having met criteria.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you the family member of someone who belongs to Queen City Masons Lodge #131 or the family member of someone who belongs to another Mason organization and resides in Allegany County?
  2. If yes, please state the name of your family member, their relationship to you, and the name of the Mason organization to which they belong.