All Opportunities
Award | Name | Actions |
$1,000 |
Allegany County Opportunity Merit
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
Varies |
Allegany County Opportunity Tuition Subsidy for Credit Students
Up to 50% of the in-county tuition rate per credit hour. Scholarships...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Allegany-Garrett County Dental Society
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
Varies |
Appel - Harold Appel Foundation
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Avirett - James Alfred Avirett Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Bailey - Kathleen Oursler Bailey
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$2,000 |
Bambara - Dr. Cynthia Bambara
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500.00 |
Bedford County Human Services Council
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Bedford Rotary Club
The Bedford Rotary Club Scholarship will be awarded to a full- or...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Bell - Ted and Miriam Bell
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Belt Construction Group
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$700 |
Bourdeau - Norma K. Blacke Bourdeau Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Brown - Francis N. Brown, D.D.S.
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Buckley - Colleen Buckley English Scholar
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$250 |
Chorus of the Potomac, Allegany County Chapter, Barbershop Harmony Society (Fall 2025)
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500.00 |
Coldwell Banker Premier Sponsored by Melinda Feaster and Cheryl McInroy
The Coldwell Banker SKS Realty Scholarship sponsored by Melinda Feaster...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Darby - Dustin "DD" Darby Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000.00 |
David and Elaine Jones Scholarship
The David and Elaine Jones Scholarship will benefit a full- or part-time...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Davis - Judy DeHart Davis Communication Arts Technology
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$250 |
Dental Hygiene Merit-Based (Spring 2026)
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$400 |
Fort Cumberland Lodge #211 & Ohr Lodge #131
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$350 |
Fridinger - William T. Fridinger, D.D.S.
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$400 |
Fuller - Sandy L. Fuller Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500.00 |
Gates - Peggy Detwiler Gates Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
500 or 250 |
Gateway Travel Plaza
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$2,500 |
Gehauf - Rachel Coulehan Gehauf Memorial for Social Work
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Gilpin - Helen A. Gilpin Memorial Dental Hygiene
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$2,000 |
Gipe - Mary and Paul Gipe Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500.00 |
Gladfelter - Ruth Morris Gladfelter Memorial
The Ruth Morris Gladfelter Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$700 |
Goldsmith Family Foundation
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1000 |
Harbel - Jeffrey W. Harbel Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Heart Speak Spiker-Walbert
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$700.00 |
Hendricks - Bryan R. Hendricks Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$700.00 |
Hendricks - Scott D. Hendricks Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1000.00 |
Hess - Representative Dick L. Hess Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Hill - Kate Dailey Hill Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Hinds - Thomas R. and Elizabeth Hinds Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Human Service Alumni
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Jones - Darlene Jones Integrative Health Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$2,000 |
Jones - Nashelle S. Jones Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000.00 |
Jordan - John H. Jordan Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Kean - Clarence Kean Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,500 |
Kegg - J. Suter Kegg
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$550 |
Klingler - The Klingler Family
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Leonard - Alice S. and Richard R. Leonard Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$1,000 |
Leonard - Kim and Marion Leonard Scholarship for Integrative Health and Authentic Leadership
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Lewis - Robert K. Lewis Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$500 |
Markley - Del and Jan Markley Scholarship for Respiratory Care
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |
$400 |
Martin - David G. Martin, II Memorial
This scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who has met the...
Deadline04/30/2025 |